U3A Trip to Tesselaars Tulip Festival October 3rd 2023

Rain! Rain! And more rain! Who will ever forget this trip? After discussion as the whether or not we should proceed with the day, it was agreed by most that we should take the chance and go. Steve, our bus driver, agreed to carry on, so off we went in the rain. Some people were well prepared for the wet weather, others more optimistic in white shoes, sandals and white pants! As we drove through the gloom the weather did not improve, in fact became wetter and wetter. After passing through the beautiful Dandenong mountain ash and tree fern forest, we alighted to cries of 'Coffee! Coffee'. Not only coffee, but Bavarian Bangers, French Crepes, Scones, Gozleme, Baked potatoes etc. Lots of food choices. Huddled under marquees, U3A people sheltered from the rain before venturing out to see the sights.

And what sights there were to see! Fields of tulips, and daffodils, Fairy gardens, sculptures, a maze, gazebos, windmills, clogs, shops for souvenirs and bulbs all conveniently discounted.

                                       Then there was the human element!

                                                  'Cheek to Cheek'

This duo entertained us with great singing and playing of all the old tunes we know and love. Some to the point of dancing in the rain! Go Barb and Gary!

Others amused themselves with what was to hand.

And who can forget the Tulip Fairy!

A  memorable day for all for so many reasons. 

Thank you Coral for your leadership and organising the day.

Robert Hammond.


  1. thank you Robert, such a great summary and memory to have. What a day indeed, but we had fun anyway :-)

  2. Yes. Well done Robert. A very different day out.

  3. What a day to remember, looks like a good decision to go.

  4. Great photos Robert and an accurate report on an enjoyable day.


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